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September 29th, 2023

Work Smartly with Smart Categorization Offered by MSB Docs


The rapid increase in technological advancements has a substantial impact on many businesses. With this, MSB Docs is always trying to introduce the best of features and innovations to make customers’ experiences better every time they interact with our end to end cloud-based system. In this blog post, we are going to talk about an amazing feature that MSB Docs came up with to categorize all the documents that enhance the cloud storage option. This unique and interactive way of categorizing the documents is known as Smart Categorization.

How Smart Categorization works?

In the business world, a large number of documents are transacted on daily basis. While sharing confidential documents remotely using the MSB Docs platform, you can now leverage the benefit of categorizing these documents safely by adding the smart tags for each of your documents. These smart tags can be any word that is associated with that document. This makes document searches faster and provides a better user experience by highlighting top categories upfront.

Why is it so Handy?

Along with the broad set of documents being transacted, these documents also have different types and formats. These formats include pdf, word, excel, data, and images, etc. So, when you try to extract these documents from these diversified formats, then that seems a big challenge. Isn’t it?

On the other hand, if these documents are categorized in such a way that extracting them is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel, then it would save not only your efforts but a load of time as well. Smart categorization offered by MSB Docs comprises such ease of categorizing the documents.This seems much helpful when you handle the bulk of documents every day, especially of different types.

Value Addition of Smart Categorization to Customers

Almost every business that has partnered with us and using MSB Docs for their document transaction is making use of this amazing functionality. Upon having their valuable feedback on their experience, we have jotted down the following points that explain the value addition that smart categorization has brought to their business. Let’s go through them one by one:

  • No more manual training is required to be given on which documents are kept where.
  • The speed of categorizing documents has drastically improved with smart categorization.
  • Reduced manual effort in capturing, categorizing, and extracting the documents improves productivity.
  • As there are fewer manual efforts, the chances of errors also reduced.
  • The user interface for the classification of documents is way too easy for anyone to understand.
  • Having documents stored into a single as well as well-organized archive lets you easily migrate them anytime, anywhere.

The list of value additions doesn’t end here, as there are many more based on the type of industry. To know, how smart categorization is going to benefit you and your business, start using MSB Docs – smart document solution now. Visit us now to know more.

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