Can I view the details of ePaks that belong to someone else in my group?

As a group manager, you do have access to all the details of ePaks of your group. You have all the powers just like the ePak custodian does. To view details:

  • Click on the ePak that you wish you to view, and the details will be available in the lower half of the screen.
  • You may now access all the details, edit the ePak – Change signer/custodian and view the audit trail of the ePak.

    ePaks only for the selected bunch of members of that group.

Can I view the details of ePaks that belong to someone else in my group?

As a group manager, you have access to all the details of ePaks of your group. To view the ePak details, Click on the ePak you wish to view, and the details will be available on the ePak Details Screen. You may now access all the ePak details, edit the ePak – Change signer/custodian and view the audit trail of the ePak.

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