

Increase in Form Completion Rate



Secure Data Collection



More Faster Processes

Witness the streamlined working of MSB Smart Forms

What makes MSB Smart Forms “smart”?

benefits make msb smart forms
  • User Access Controls
    Workflow Oriented  Automated Smart Forms ensure dynamic workflows by increasing data accuracy and reducing time consumption. It assures timely delivery of forms with no human errors, legal risks, or complex agent processes.
  • Lock-Freeze Documents
    Easy to Complete  Quickly create and update MSB Smart Forms to provide an easy-breezy user experience. Just read, understand & fill in only relevant fields in Smart Forms and you’re all set.
  • Document Version Control
    Easily Accessible Anywhere, Anytime MSB Smart Forms let users share information in a hassle-free way. You can use it on different devices such as phones & tablets anywhere, anytime.

Why do 80,000+ users choose MSB Smart Forms?

Collect eSignatures much faster

Exceptional Form-Filling Experience

Smart Forms are an amazing new feature by MSB Docs which brings ease of generating on-demand forms and accelerates the form-filling practice across all industries and verticals.


Saves Time & Efforts

MSB Smart Forms not only let you create faster, user-friendly, and more productive forms, but will also let you seamlessly transform them into usable, widely-accepted PDF formats too. Smart Forms save time & effort.


Serves All Purposes

Smart Forms comes in handy in all instances, including event registrations, customer onboarding, sales order forms, patient enrollment & discharge forms.

Do you follow inefficient Form-Filling processes?

If yes, request a demo to know how you can digitally transform it.

Start Free Trial


MSB Docs offers Smart Forms as the best alternative solution to inconvenient and clunky PDFs. Signers may add, edit, and delete data in a Smart Form, and the data will be prefilled into a document ready to sign. Administrators may link an external Smart Forms document to any MSB Document Template and map the Smart Forms fields to the Document Template fields.

Yes, using MSB Smart Forms’ solution, you can easily collect customer e-signatures in one go.

Yes, MSB Docs offers a facility to scan and verify your identity attachments while form filling.

Yes, your data is completely safe and secured with MSB Smart Forms. We take care of your sensitive and personal information and never share it with third party.