What are the various types of tags/fields allowed?
Depending on the signature certificate policy, you would have choice to select from various tags on a document. These tags indicate locations on a document where the recipient needs to take an action and to provide information for the recipient. A few tags are automatically filled by the system like date and time stamp. You can set properties of the tags by clicking on the tag and making changes in the panel on the right. The different tags are as follows:
- Signature: Place this tag where the recipient must sign the document.
- Initials: Place this tag where the recipient must initial the document.
- Reason: Place this tag where you want the signing reason to get stamped onto the document.
- Signer Name: Place this tag on the document where you want the signer’s name to appear.
- Signer Title: Place this tag on the document where you want the recipient’s title to appear.
- Signer Text: Place this tag on the document where you want the recipients to enter some custom data.
- Time Stamp: Place this tag on the document where you want the date and the time the recipient signed the document to appear.
- Attachment: This is where the recipient initiates the process of adding supporting documents to an ePak.
- Signed Attachment: This tag will allow the recipient to attach supporting documents to an ePak after attesting them.
- Custodian Text: Use this tag to enter some custom text.
- Custodian Text: This is a free text one-line field for data and is used to allow the recipient to enter different information.
- Custom Text Area: This free-text field is a multi-line field to allow recipient enter descriptive information like comments, suggestions etc. within a fixed-width field.
- Checkbox: Place this tag on the document in a location where the recipient can select one or more options.
- Image Tag: Place this tag on the document where you want the recipient to upload an image and the uploaded image will be printed in the tag size defined by the custodian.
What are the various types of tags/fields allowed?
Depending on the signature certificate policy, you would have the choice to select from various tags on a document. These tags indicate locations on a document where the recipient needs to take action and to provide information for the recipient. A few tags are automatically filled by the system like date and time stamp.
You can set properties of the tags by clicking on the tag and making changes in the panel on the right. The different tags are as follows:
-Signature: Place this tag where the recipient must sign the document.
-Signer Name: Place this tag on the document where you want the signer’s name to appear.
-Date & Time: Place this tag on the document where you want the date and time the recipient signed the document to appear.
-Signer Initials: Place this tag where you want the signer’s initials to appear.
-Signer Title: Place this tag on the document where you want the recipient’s title to appear.
-Signer Text: Place this tag on the document where you want the recipient to enter some custom data.
-Signing Reason: Place this tag where you want the signing reason to get stamped onto the document.
-Custodian Text: Use this tag to enter some custom text.
-Custom Text: This is a free text one-line field for data and is used to allow the recipient to enter different information.
-Custom Text Area: This free-text field is a multi-line field to allow recipient to enter descriptive information like comments, suggestions etc. within a fixed-width field.
-Attachment: This is where the recipient initiates the process of adding supporting documents to an ePak.
-Signed Attachment: This tag will allow the recipient to attach supporting documents to an ePak after attesting them.
-Upload Image: Place this tag on the document where you want the recipient to upload an image and the uploaded image will be printed in the tag size defined by the custodian.
-Checkbox: Place this tag on the document in a location where the recipient can select one or more options.