How do I create a Team Room?

If your account role is that of a custodian or above, you will be able to create a Team Room:

  • Go to Team Room Tab in the main navigation bar.

    Go to Team Room Tab in the main navigation bar

  • Click Add Team Room button.

    Click Add Team Room button

  • Enter Name, description and define other settings for Team Room. Click on Settings to expand and select from available options. Refer to Team Room settings to read more.

    Enter Name, description and define other settings for Team Room.

  • Click ‘Done’ to confirm Team Room creation and it will display a confirmation.

    Click ‘Done’ to confirm Team Room creation and it will display a confirmation

The newly created Team Room will now be available on the left under ‘Owned’. If there are any other Team rooms that you are part of but don’t own, they will be displayed under ‘Shared’. You can switch between the tabs (Owned & Shared).

On the right, will be all the details of the Team Room, including the members of the room. All the activities within the team room will also be tracked and a complete audit trail will be maintained under Activities Tab on the right.

On the right, will be all the details of the Team Room

This feature is available in MSB3 only

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