How do I add users to my Team Room?

You can select the people to add to your team room

  • Once you’re into the team room, click the ‘Add Member’ button on the bottom right corner of the screen.

    ‘Add Member’ button on the bottom right corner of the screen

  • In the dialogue box that pops up begin typing in the field to add user. As you type, it will show you list of suggested names, and you may select from it. You can only add from existing users.

    You can only add from existing users

    dialogue box that pops up begin typing in the field to add user

  • Select a user >> Choose a role (Admin, Editor, Submitter or Signer) and click submit.

    Choose a role (Admin, Editor, Submitter or Signer) and click submit

  • It will display a confirmation and the user will added to team room and will show in the right panel.

    Choose a role (Admin, Editor, Submitter or Signer) and click submit

  • NOTE: A user with the role of Signer or Submitter can be assigned the same roles in Team Room respectively.
This feature is available in MSB3 only

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