This feature is available in MSB4 only

Document Management System and Collaborate editing

If Document Management System and Collaborate editing is enabled for your tenant, Users may create, import, or upload a document into the Document Management System, enhancing its versatility and utility.

Click on the Create drop down button and the Document, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Forms options are available. By clicking the Document option, a document format file will be created and visible in My Documents folder. The new document will open in Only Office tool. This will be the same for other options.

Users will also have an option to create a folder and create or upload documents in that folder.

A Collaborative Editing User has the flexibility to edit and save changes to a document within Only Office. Users can also place a comment, edit a comment, remove, and resolve a comment. Users may @mention other users within documents they own or those shared with them. @mentioning another user triggers an email to that user containing the contents of the @mention comment and secure link to the document.

Users will be able to compose an ePak from the DMS. Select the document you wish to send; the details section will appear on the right side with a list of all the possible actions like Compose ePak, Edit, Move, Create, Rename, Share, Download, Clone, Transfer Ownership, and Delete. Click on Compose ePak. Users will get redirected to the compose page and the user will be able to add tags, policies, or recipients to the document.

DMS users are assured that their documents will remain secure and accessible only to those with whom they choose to share. These documents are safely stored on MSB servers.

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