Can I send a reminder to signatories on my pending ePak?

Yes, you may send a signature reminder to pending signatories or reviewers on your pending ePak.

  • Click the ePak in your Pending folder.
  • In the document details panel, select the Edit tab.
  • In the document workflow diagram, click the bell shaped icon next to the signer.
  • In the popup message, click Ok to send reminder.
  • It then sends another Signature Request or Review Request email to the recipient to remind him/her of the pending ePak awaiting their action.

Can I send a reminder to signatories on my pending ePak?

Yes, you may send a signature reminder to pending signatories or reviewers on your pending ePak.

1) Click the ePak in your Pending folder.

2) On the ePak details page, under Recipients, Click on Remind Recipient next to a signer’s name.

3) Users will be asked to confirm their action. Click Yes and a success message is displayed

4) MSB then sends another Signature Request or Review Request email to the recipient to remind them of the pending ePak awaiting their action.

User can also send bulk reminders to signers of the ePaks in the pending folder, simplifying the process of sending reminders to multiple signers simultaneously.

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