Can I Replicate Signature/Initials Tag on all Pages

A user with custodian role can replicate a dropped signature/initials tag on all the other page of the document. It will save the user time and effort to drop signature on each single page of the document.


This will give user an alert that if he/she wants to replicate the given tag on all other pages at same location.


Can I Replicate Signature/Initials Tag on all Pages?

A user with custodian role can replicate a dropped signature/initials tag on all the other pages of the document. It will save the user time and effort to drop signature on each single page of the document.

When you drop a Signature tag, select the gear icon to view the Replicate button.

When you click on Replicate, the user will be asked if they wish to replicate the tag on All, Odd Pages Only, Even Pages Only or Custom. Users can use a hyphen to specify the range of pages to apply the tag and a comma to list individual pages.Select any option and click on Confirm.

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